ticket printer project for "Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG"
New ticket printer kt 0102 for "Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG"
Electronic ticket printers represent an important sales unit in public transport buses and are an essential sales channel for many transport companies.
In 2020, we were able to prevail over the competitors in the EU tender procedure for electronic ticket printers for Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB). As part of the winning tender, we equipped the transport company with new electronic ticket printers in 2022, which are used both in buses and in vending. We have thus once again succeeded in convincing a transport company with our products and at the same time winning back the SSB as a customer. Stuttgart was the premiere for our new generation of ticket printers, here they were used for the first time.
The SSB contract, which was won through an EU-wide tender, includes the manufacture and delivery of a total of 320 ticket printers including the associated background system, as well as the maintenance and servicing of the software. With the new kt 0102 ticket printers, SSB will receive an innovative ticket printer that will also meet the future requirements of the market.
A key success factor of our project with SSB was the trusting and very cooperative collaboration on both sides.
“Equipping another customer with our future-oriented and long-term solution makes us very proud and confirms our perspective for the market. We are looking forward to bringing both SSB and ourselves forward in the joint project," says Maximilian Lenz from the krauth technology GmbH sales team
Project profile
customer: Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG
commissioning: 2020
delivery: 2022
scope of services: 320 x kt 0102 ticket printer
ticketprinter kt 0102
This is what distinguishes the ticket printer at SSB:
- 10" driver screen
- innovative ticket printer
- incl. associated background system
- Maintenance and servicing of the software